Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Looking to the Future, Forgetting the Present

Too often I find myself thinking too much about what will happen after I accomplish this or what will happen after this event occurs. Too often I find myself thinking all about things that will or may happen in the future and forget to live in the here and now. I forget to appreciate everything I have. I worry too much about things that I may not have in the future. I worry way too much about my future.

I was thinking about how I focus too much on the future today, and, suddenly, it hit me. If I'm focusing all my thoughts, time, and focus on the future, what am I doing in the present? And doesn't what I do or don't do in the present affect my future anyway? I realized that if I focus too much on whatever may or may not be my future I'm going to lose a lot here in the present that could have been in my future.

Instead of focusing on everything that could happen and will eventually happen, I think I really need to do more of seeing the present for what it is, seeing life for what's happening now. The present is my life now. The past affects what I do and who I am now, and the future is affected by what I do now, but either way I'm here in the now, not in the past or future. I can only live this present time of my life at this present time of my life. There are memories to be made and happiness to be found, and the last thing I need to focus all my attention on is worrying about what may or may not happen in the future.

Do I even think the future should be thought about here in the present? Of course! One still has to prepare himself or herself for the life ahead of them, but one cannot live in the future only prepare for it. I shouldn't live for tomorrow but for today. I can prepare for tomorrow today, but I'm still living today. Today, right now, that's where it's at.

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