Monday, December 20, 2010


Life is funny. We don’t always get what we want, and sometimes we just have to deal with the plate we’ve been handed and make it the best we can. I’m not saying things are hopeless. On the contrary, I believe life is quite hopeful. All we need is a place to start. All we need is someone to turn on the light and wake us from our slumber. Sometimes all we need is that one shake to wake us, and sometimes it takes an earthquake. Sometimes we think we can just save ourselves; but that’s never actually true. No one, no one person can save himself. It takes at least one light, one push, one voice to move someone else. In reality, it is as easy as stepping away from all the hurt and shame and be changed, to become the person we want to be; at least, it’s an easy concept.

There are many steps, many things that must first be done. There’s a lot that must be thrown out and forgotten. There’s pride that must be squashed. Yes, there’s pride because pride is the root of everything bad and evil. There’s always pride. Pride is what holds onto the things that hurt. Pride is what tells you that you can do this all alone, that you need no help. Pride is what tells you you’re fine when you’re obviously falling apart. Pride is the first thing to come, and it has to be the first thing to go because to admit you need to help, to accept help is to let go of pride and be courageous in your weakness. Pride is a hindrance, a block-aid, simply a problem. Before you take another step, let go of pride. Otherwise, every other step you take is useless, good for nothing.

As soon as you let go of pride, I think you’ll see that everything else soon seems to let go of you. So if you think pride is the one thing you have left, you’re wrong. It’s the one thing you have left stopping you from getting to the rest of your life. So let go of pride and let every regret, every pain, every sorrow, every thing that has ever hurt you or caused you to lose sleep fall away. Let go of pride. Let someone help you. Let a friend know how life is truly going, what battle you’re truly fighting inside. Let go of pride and be transparent. I think you’ll find more acceptance than you imagined.

Pride stops you from changing your mind. Pride stops you from trying something new. Pride stops you from living a dream, and pride may also keep you trying to live a dream that can never happen. Pride stops you from asking a question or getting help. Pride is what stops you from applying to that college or applying for that job. Pride is even what stops that boy from asking out that girl. But most importantly, pride is what stops us from trusting the plans that God has and living them. Pride tells us we need to have our own plans in case God’s plans don’t work out. Pride is faithless.

So this is to everyone. It’s to you, and it’s to me. Pride is the problem for all of us. Pride is the problem for you. Pride is the problem for me. It’s at the heart of every sin, every problem, every shame. It’s pride. Pride is the problem.

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